April 24

What makes a mystery story a mystery

For now, please open a post on your blog, please explain what makes a mystery story and mystery.  We’ve shared over ten different picture books mysteries and two different chapter book mysteries.  Many of us are reading a mystery right now in our different book clubs.  Using all that you know from these books and the resources we’ve explored,  be as detailed as you can when you explain what the parts of a mystery story are and what make a mystery special.

Mysteries get you hooked in.  They can be scary, not scary, or in the middle. Or they can be plain right out funny! That’s what makes a mystery special!

The parts of a mystery story begin with the introduction of the character or characters.  The main character.  Then the mystery begins when the detective or detectives get notified that there is a problem to solve. Clues come next, where they find little hints that help them figure out answers to the problem(s). They put all the clues together to figure out an answer, and solve the case.



Posted April 24, 2020 by mayslearning in category Uncategorized

1 thoughts on “What makes a mystery story a mystery

  1. Mrs. Eaves

    Hi May🕵🏼‍♀️,
    Thanks for creating a careful definition of a mystery. I appreciate that you used what you know from the mysteries you have been reading and I like how you explained the step by step nature of how detectives go about collecting clues until they can solve the problem.
    🔎Mrs. Eaves


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